If you don’t like them, just kill them…

Trumps’ warm and fuzzy reported relationship with Rodrigo Duterte of the Phillippines, should alarm all Americans. Duterte has said that Trump told him that he is going about his recent fight on drugs “the right way.” And Trump has not disavowed those remarks. The “right way” for Duterte is to order incarceration and even killings of people suspected of drug dealing and drug using, without due process. Interestingly, there was no preparation in advance of the war on drugs, no expansion of prison facilities (already vastly overcrowded-the jails look like overcrowded chicken coops), no expansion of court facilities, or drug treatment centers, nada. The pain inflicted on families burying loved ones is incredible, and who knows how many were really innocent or just plain addicted?

So if that is the “right way” for Trump, the “strong man” way, why shouldn’t we all be worried?