9/21/20- Looking Beyond The Horizon

You know, something breaks in your home and out comes the crazy glue. You try to fix it, but the problem is things seem to break apart at a critical juncture, areas that are normally under the most stress, where you perhaps put the glue on last time.

What are your choices? More glue, and maybe more, in the hope that you can hold things together a bit longer.

Trump has broken a lot of things, some of which put the planet at even greater risk of more breakage.

The crazy glue (Trumps’ equivalence: lies) can only last for limited time spans, especially as unglued breakage causes stress on what remains. Until it all falls apart.

This is what the philosopher, Hegel, referred to as the “anti-thesis”- the falling entirely apart. And this is where we are now. Where are we headed?

The problem is really this: not enough of us are looking far enough into the future. Glues dry out quickly while stress remains. Victory is not permanent, though it often seems so. The real spoils of battle soon themselves spoil.

The Republicans and Trump (and so many of us) are not looking far enough into the future. Glue dries out quickly, while stress remains. Victory only seems so until the spoils of war themselves spoil.

Sad, very sad. They may have a victory, which will only insure a more brutal future defeat. A tortured world eventually affects all inhabitants, themselves included. Such is the law of the universe.

The world that Trump is trying to build is UNSUSTAINABLE. It lacks the most critical quality of human interaction: AGREEMENT.

P.S. Think for a moment that you are a Trump collaborator and Trump loses the election. You strongly wish to avoid that outcome, perhaps at any cost. Terrible idea to ponder. It’s a long elevator ride to the bottom. For you, it’s not a matter of ethics and right, it is a matter of survival. It is no longer a matter of America first, it is about protecting yourself. That is why the coming days are fraught with risk.